Apply a set of stylesheets to all pages of a Web Man web.
Apply CSS Style Sheets
Use this page to apply a set of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to all pages in your web site.
On loading, this page will show the currently managed web, and will name its configuration file. It will also look in that file to see which folder has your site's style sheets according to the configuration file, and will show that folder' name. You will not see the names of the style sheets in there. You can go back to the main editor page, and look around in the folder view to see that they are. See below, "Bugs, issues and feature requests": I'll try to let you see the individual sheets in there.
You can get styles from a different folder. Enter its name into the "Its Styles Folder" form field. If you're not sure, you can go back to the Web Man main editor page, and look around in the folder view. See below, "Bugs, issues and feature requests": I'll try to find all the possible style sheet folders, and let you select one.
Use the "Apply Styles" button to set up each page in your site with the style sheets in your chosen Styles folder.
Bugs, issues and feature requests style sheet application
It would be nice to see the names of the individual style sheets, and possibly to select all, some or none of them.
We may need a button to remove all styles.
It would be nice to allow application of styles to a site map sub-tree, or to a selection of map items.
Another UI idea: a list of possible style sheets, generated from the ones already present in the current template, and the ones in the proposed style folder. Each item in the list is a checkbox. Some are presented checked, others unchecked. User can check or uncheck the ones wanted or not wanted. There are buttons to select all, select none, reverse selection.
On loading, the page selects the default configuration file, and reads the Styles folder from that. It also presents a selector with all possible style sheet folders, with the one from the configuration file selected. Change the selection, change the possible sheets list.