Page help
This is Web Man's main editing page. Your currently managed web is open. Use the Open Web selector at the top to open another.
There are two main views: the folder view on the left, and the navigation or map view on the right. The map view shows end edits the hierarchical structure of the web, and implements it by installing navigation bars.
The folder view shows and manages the files and folders in your web. You can copy, move, delete and rename things in your web's file system.
On the far left are links to other views, from which you can manage other aspects of your whole web site.
At the top is part of the menu system. On this page, the part shown is exactly those views on the left. On other pages, however, the menu may include links more closely related to what you're doing on that page.
topFolder View Help
Shows the web site named in the form as a file system on the hosting server.
As you mouse over a file or folder name, you will see it highlighted. If a file is not linked by any navigation view item, it will be gray. Folders are never linked in the navigation view, so they will always be gray.
Click on a file or folder name to select it. If a navigation view item links to what you just selected, that will be selected too. This makes it easy to see what's mapped to what.
Drag a file over to the navigation view, and onto a site map item: that will make a new site map item, a child of the one you dragged onto. Drag onto a site map item's document icon, and you'll make a new sibling to that item. These two procedures are the standard way to build up a site map from a bunch of existing files.
Drag a file into another folder in the folder view, and it will be moved in the file system. All pages that link to it will have their links adjusted to that other folder; all links in the moved page will have their links adjusted to be correct out of the new folder.
Drag a folder into another folder in the folder view, and it will be recursively moved in the file system. All pages that link to anything in it will have their links adjusted to use the new path; all links in any moved page will have their links adjusted to be correct out of the new folder.
Double-click on a file or folder name, and you can change it. All pages that link to the file with its old name, or to any file within the renamed folder, will be adjusted to use the new name.
Hit the <Insert> key to make a new file or folder, sibling of the selected file or folder.
Hit the <Shift><Insert> keys to make a copy of the selected file, or of the selected folder and all its contents. Hit the <Delete> key to delete the selected file, or the selected folder and all its contents. <Shift><Delete> will delete the file or folder in this folder view, and also all the items in the navigation view that link to it and its children.
You can also add, cut, paste, files or folders in the server file system containing your site.
Bugs, issues and feature requests in folder view
Innocent little clicks on folder view icons provoke gripes about dropping on self.
If a file is dragged over to the navigation view, it's still shown as unlinked in the folder view. It should be shown linked.
Needs more file system operations: cut, copy, paste, import, import folder. Needs clipboard support.
If a folder is emptied out, improperly changes icon from folder to page. Workaround: refresh.
Needs to allow folder view drop on file as sibling.
Needs a way to store folder open/closed information, and option to open folder view with folders as they were, in additions to currently implemented 'closed' and 'open'.
Navigation View Help
Shows the organization of the site as a site map. Each item in this view links to a file. Web Man can install site-wide or localized navigation bars that link to that file, using this site map.
Specify file name of a site map, then click the Get Map button to load it from the server. The other buttons allow you to Save your edited map onto the server, or Save As with another file name.
Use the Rebuild Navigation button to apply your edited site map to your web site. That will re-install the navigation bars according to the structure of this site map.
As you mouse over a page name, you will see it highlighted. If a navigation view page links to a non-existent file, the link is broken and should be repaired. Do that by dragging it over to the folder view, onto the file you want for the target of the link. If you link to a folder, the resulting site map will have a link that attempts to browse that folder. The web server may or may not allow that, depending on its configuration.
Linking by dragging this way can also produce a duplicate link, that is, two items in your site map linking to the same file or folder in the folder view. If that is not your intention, play it safe by link-dragging only broken links.
Click on a page name to select that page. You will also see the folder view item to which it links selected. This makes it easy to see what's mapped to what.
Double click a page name to change it.
Drag and drop the name of a page to move it and all its children. If you drop it on another page name, it will become a child of that other page. If you drop it on the little document icon in front of another page's name, it will become the next sibling of that other page.
Hit the <Insert> key to make a copy of the selected item. Hit the <Delete> key to delete the selected item, and all its children. <Shift><Delete> will delete the item in this navigation view, and also the file it's mapped to in the folder view.
Bugs, issues and feature requests in site map view
New item gets unlinked style, but doesn't keep it after mouseover and mouseout. Workaround: save map, get map.
Needs a way to import another site map as a piece of the current site map.
Navigation rebuild fails with a site map embedded in a regular page, while succeeding with a bare ng-style map.
Fails to convert links with bookmarks (fragments).
Can't do vertical bars, just horizontal ones.
Bugs, issues and feature requests for this page
- The two orange view bugs areas should align horizontally. This general bugs list should be full width, under the two view bugs areas.
Wish list
- Fresh installation should have a new web open here, and that new web plus a sample web as the only entries in the recent webs list.
- List of files for upload should show somewhere after the"Select" button is pressed and the dialog closed.