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Publish Web

Publish current web to another host, which could be a remote server.

Other web means the path to the folder on the remote server, relative to its web server's DocumentRoot. If that folder does not exist, its parent folder must exist.

Other user is the owner of Other web. That might be a user's web area on the remote server, or the user under which its web server runs.

Other host is the URL of the remote server.

Publishing is done by rsync over a secure shell (ssh). For this to work, the owner of this Web Man web must have an RSA private key in his or her .ssh directory, and the Other user must have the public part of that RSA key in its .ssh/autorized_keys.

Method for setting this up:

Details and fuller explanation of this procedure can be found at Ubuntu forum thread 238672.


Bugs, issues and feature requests for this page

This is dangerous. Failed error checking could wipe out the web content of the other host.

Wish list:

Copyright © 2008-2013 John M. Rasor. License: GPL.